Red Sonja (Death in Scarlet)



Red Sonja
Nicknames: Red-Hair
Occupation: Warrior, thief
First appearance: Red Sonja: A Death in Scarlet (September 1999)
Likes: Ale, T'Shika
Dislikes: Quianlang, mercenaries


Being from a one-shot, much of this version of Sonja’s backstory is unknown. From what little we’re given in the comic, her mother was originally a noblewoman who abandoned the lifestyle upon meeting her father, Ivor. After having several children, Sonja’s family was murdered by a band of mercenaries sent by Lord Quianlang and she swore vengeance, with her quest eventually taking her to the crossroads of Khorusun. Disguising herself as a prostitute, Sonja and her partner T’Shika humiliated Quianlang by stripping him naked and stealing him blind. After defeatingthe men sent to avenge his honor, Sonja and T’Shika infiltrated his palace and made their way to the treasure room, where she learned that Quian had somehow gained access to her mom’s necklace.

Enraged, she approached him and after killing his guards, learned that he had been responsible for her family’s death, all so he could obtain her mom’s necklace. Infuriated by this revelation, she responded by killing him in cold blood. Though she regretted that she was unable to get information out of him regarding her family’s killer, she gained a new ally in the priestess Sabra.


Like every other version of Sonja, this one has a thirst for alcohol and vengeance against her family’s killers. She’s willing to kill whoever gets in her wayif they don’t heed her warnings.

She’s been known to swear by the goddess when irritated and has a violent temper.


Sonja has slain numerous trained guards and mercenaries. She’s also somewhat pragmatic in battle, having beaten a bigger and stronger opponent by distracting him with a sheet.


Devil-Dragon Armor

A scalemail bikini made of gold and silver that was stolen off a statue.


Her signature weapon, which is strapped to her back when not in use.


Used to carve the ruby eye out of a statue.


Being from a one-shot comic, Sonja’s full potential is never actually shown, and unlike her Marvel and Dynamite counterparts, she lacks superhuman feats of any kind. Her temper has also distracted her from noticing attackers and caused her to kill others prematurely.


Surprise! After a small break I decided to get back on track with covering Red Sonja, but right when I was in the middle of doing Dynamite Volume 4, I realized I’d forgotten about this one. Cross Plains’ Sonja is probably one of the most obscure ones I’ve seen, since nobody really talks about her. She’s a minuscule footnote in the character’s overall history, but that doesn’t mean the story’s bad. Quite the opposite.

For a one-shot comic, it’s really solid. The artwork has vibrant coloring and detailed line work, and Roy Thomas’ writing is just as excellent as it was back in Marvel. Sonja’s redesign here also looked really cool, with the armor’s gold pieces giving it a really unique look. It definitely sticks out from the usual attire, and it’s leagues better than that shitty plate mail coat from Dynamite Volume 3.

Anyway, that’s my piece on it. Hopefully I’ll be able to get that Volume 4 blog out soon.


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